Yes! You’ve Scored a Press Clipping, But Now What? Here’s How to Take Your Brand to the Next Level

16 September, 2024

publicatie editorial PR-marketing

Landing a press clipping is a big win for any brand. It boosts credibility, visibility, and brand awareness. But securing the clipping is only the first step. In this article, we’ll dive into what a press clipping is, how to land one, and most importantly, how to leverage it to take your brand to the next level.

What Exactly is a Press Clipping?

A press clipping can come in many forms: a feature in a magazine, a mention in an industry journal, or an interview in a newspaper. Essentially, it’s content about your brand or product shared by an external medium. The beauty of press clippings is that they are often seen as more authentic and credible because they’re written by someone else, not the brand itself.
In a previous blog post, we already discussed the difference between
advertising and authentic print press clippings, where we highlighted how press clippings tend to have a deeper impact than ads. Press clippings create trust and credibility that’s harder to achieve through traditional advertising.

How Do You Land a Press Clipping?

Securing press clippings requires a targeted approach within PR Marketing. It starts with having a compelling story about your brand or product that is newsworthy. Journalists, bloggers, and editors are always on the lookout for interesting stories that resonate with their audience. This is your chance to get noticed.

Here’s how you can land a press clipping:

  1. Craft your story: What makes your brand unique? What impact are you having on your customers or market?
  2. Choose the right outlets: Not every media outlet will be the right fit for your brand. Research which magazines, websites, or newspapers your audience reads and focus on those.
  3. Building relationships: A strong PR network is key. It takes time, but building relationships with journalists and editors can open up more opportunities for future press clippings.
  4. Press releases and pitches: Write a clear press release that communicates the core of your message. Pitch it to editors, making sure it fits the tone and content of the outlet.

Why Are Press Clippings So Valuable?

Press clippings offer more than just a one-time visibility boost. Compared to regular ads, a press clipping is perceived as more genuine. Editorials, like articles written by independent editors or journalists, are seen as objective and trustworthy. This helps build trust with potential customers while ads often come across as more promotional and less credible.

Moreover, the impact of a press clipping can last far longer than an ad campaign. Articles and interviews remain available in both online and offline archives. This adds to the long-term strategy of building brand awareness over time.

You’ve Landed a Press Clipping, But Now What?

So, you’ve scored a great press clipping, but now what? The key to maximizing its impact is how you use it. Here are some ways to make the most of your press clipping:

1. Website

Feature the press clipping on your website. This could be on the homepage or in a dedicated “In the Press” section. By highlighting it prominently, you show that your brand is recognized and valued by external sources.

2. Social Media

Share the press clipping across your social channels. Include a brief explanation of why this press clipping is special and what it means for your brand. This helps generate engagement and boosts your brand visibility online.

3. Newsletter

Send out a dedicated newsletter to your subscribers featuring the press clipping. This strengthens trust with your existing audience and shows that your brand is receiving positive attention.

4. Use at B2B Trade Shows

If you attend trade shows or events, bring copies of the press clippings where your brand is featured. This serves as supporting material when speaking to potential partners, distributors, or investors. It demonstrates that your brand is recognized in the market, which strengthens your professional reputation.

5. Attract Investors

A press clipping in a reputable outlet can also help attract investors. It signals that your brand is gaining serious attention and can serve as external validation of your business model or product.

6. Boost Team Morale

A press clipping can also have a positive internal effect. Share the clipping with your team and celebrate the success together. It builds pride and motivation within the company and reinforces the feeling that everyone is part of the brand’s growth story.

The Bottom Line

A press clipping is much more than a one-time mention in a magazine or newspaper. It offers an opportunity to grow your brand, build trust with your audience, and create a lasting impact. By strategically leveraging a press clipping across different channels like your website, social media, and newsletters, you can maximize its value.

Utilizing PR Marketing and securing high-value editorialsensures that your brand becomes more visible, credible, and attractive to both consumers and investors alike. Remember, PR isn’t direct sales—it’s about building a strong brand position that will pay off in the long run.

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